Does Your Child Have Trouble Saying Goodbye? That’s how you deal with it

trouble saying goodbye

One child enters the classroom or daycare with a smile, the other child cries tears. Some children are just sensitive to change or are shy in a new environment. Whatever the reason, saying goodbye at every drop-off moment is the last thing you want as a parent. This is how you deal with it.

Is your child having trouble saying goodbye? Is he clinging to you with all his might or are the tears streaming down his cheeks? That can be very difficult as a parent. Sometimes you would like to take them home again, but to get used to your child you will have to leave him behind. How can you make saying goodbye easier? These tips will help you.

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Difficulty saying goodbye

Do not expect miracles immediately, it will always take some time before the goodbye goes completely smoothly. But at least these things will help you on your way.

To prepare

Prepare your child for what is to come. This can be difficult if your child is still small, but it can certainly work well for toddlers. Explain what will happen, and how the goodbye will go. But also tell us when you are coming to pick it up again. This way your child knows better what to expect and it does not come as a shock.

Keep the goodbye short

If your child has trouble saying goodbye, you may have a tendency to stay with him for an extra-long time. However, this often backfires. So keep your goodbyes short. Hand your child over to the teacher, give a hug and a kiss and leave. It may go against your nature, but it will be easier for your child.


Make sure that the teacher always takes good care of your child when it is sad. That way, your child will feel safe when you leave him behind. Consult with the teacher about the best way to bring this to a successful conclusion.

Give something

Give your child something that reminds him of home. A blanket or a hug or maybe even a t-shirt from you. That way, your child can sometimes feel a little more at home.

Stay positive

You may sometimes feel closer to crying than laughing, but it’s important to stay positive yourself. This is also a phase that you have to go through, but it will also pass. There is no point in panicking if your child is sad, in fact, it will probably make your child even sadder. So try to radiate positivity and save any tears for home.

Also read: 19+ Effective Ways to Think Positive [Be More Positive]

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