Ucapan Selamat datang dalam bahasa inggris biasa diutarakan dalam rangka menyambut orang yang datang kepada kita.
Bisa jadi sambutan tersebut ditujukan baik kepada orang yang baru pertama kali datang, atau bahkan kepada orang yang sudah lama tidak kembali.
Umumnya, ungkapan yang digunakan adalah “welcome”. Kata ini, dalam bahasa indonesia, berarti “selamat datang”.
Lantas, apakah kata itu saja yang dapat kita ucapkan?
Melalui artikel ini, anda melihat lebih dari 100 alternatif ucapan selamat datang dalam bahasa inggris.
Baca dan gunakan mana yang cocok menurut anda.
Ucapan Selamat Datang Bahasa Inggris
Format-format ucapan selamat datang ini cukup bervariatif. Ada yang menggunakan kata welcome. Menggunakan kata kerja tertentu, seperti come, go, dan get. Bahkan ada juga yang menggunakan kata sifat seperti safe, nice, good, dan lain sebagainya.
Untuk lebih detail, simak daftar di bawah.
Menggunakan kata welcome
- welcome
- welcome back
- welcome to the house
- welcome-home
- welcome to the home
- welcome-back
- welcome you home
- welcome him home
- welcome you back
- welcome present
- welcome me home
- welcome back home
- welcome to casa
- welcome you to the house
- welcome in the house
- welcome in
- welcomes you in
- welcome wagon
Menyebut subjek (he / she / you)
- she came home
- he gets home
- she gets home
- she comes home
- he come home
- he would come home
- he got home
- he came to the house
- he came home
- he comes home
- he came by the house
- he comes to the house
- he came over to the house
- you home
- he returned
- he came back
- he can go home
- she can go home
- your return
- you are home
- you come home
- you were home
- you returned
- you got back
- you got home
- you can go home
- you coming home
- you came to the house
- for your return
- your safe return
- he went home
- he went back
- for you to get back
- you get back
- you came home
- you get back home
- for you to come back
Menggunakan kata kerja tertentu (have, come, go, get, be)
- having you back
- had come home
- have you back
- came home
- be home
- come home
- came to the house
- got home
- coming home
- homecoming
- go home
- have you home
- have a safe journey
- been coming home
- arriving home
- returned home
- housewarming
- return home
- go back home
- have a nice trip
- had come back
- came over to the house
- just getting home
- no place like home
- have him back
- place like home
- get home
- has come home
- went back home
- have him home
- get him back
- get it back
- have it back
- came by the house
Menggunakan kata sifat (nice, safe, glad, good)
- nice to have you back
- safe journey back
- safe trip
- glad to see you back
- good return
- happy to see you again
- happy returns
- great to see you again
- nice to see you again
- good to have you back
- good to see you again
- glad to see you again
- happy to have you back
- nice seeing you again
- feel right at home
- glad you came back
- delighted to see you again
- good to be home
- nice to be home
- happy home
- wonderful to see you again
- sweet home
- home sweet home
Demikian daftar alternatif selamat datang bahasa inggris yang dapat anda gunakan.
Untuk menambah pengetahuan, baca juga variasi ucapan selamat dalam bahasa inggris di artikel saya yang lain.
Thanks for reading.