Stress, pressure, and demands from morning to night? That does not have to be the case. Get advice on how to relieve your stress in daily life – and take care of yourself.
You open your eyes. And two seconds later, thoughts begin to wash over you:
Fuck, it’s on Thursday that I have to hand in my assignment in less than 48 hours. I have hardly gotten started. And I’m going to work, also for training.
Do you know that situation? Terrible, right? You feel all, all, all too much.
Studies show that one in five young people often feels stressed. Fortunately, you can do a lot to turn down the pressure and find more peace.
Curious? Cool.
So let’s get started…
Steps to Relieve your Stress
Everybody wants to stay calm and relaxed, perhaps including you. But some of them still don’t know how to make it real. Hence, these tips below may be helpful to relieve your stress right away.

1. Exhale your stress with simple breathing
Relieve your stress with your breathing deeply. And best of all: It’s not difficult. Take your time to do this, moreover if you try around the fresh-air area.
2. Remember the breaks
Do you blow through the week at 120 kilometers per hour? It’s fine to take your breaks. Just remember to give you time to recharge your batteries.
“The best time to take a break is when you do not have time for it.”
3. Turn down your demands
“I should train some more”
“I should also spend a few more hours on homework”
“I should also ….”
The range of things “you should” will never make you feel satisfied. You never think what you do is good enough. That’s how many people feel.
4. Practice the monkey brain
Think of the last time you saw a herd of monkeys on the TV or zoo. Sometimes they seem calm. But as a rule, they flint around. Up and down. Back and forth.
Exactly the same goes for our thoughts. For a moment, worrying about something in the future. Next, you resent something in the past. And then you remember the birthday present for your beloved one.
In short: the thoughts are constantly grinding away.
Is it normal? Yes
Is it exhausting? Yes
5. Make sure you get enough sleep (Hint: 8-10 hours every night)
You’ve probably heard it many times before. But let’s just repeat it: Sleep is insanely important to your mood, your body, and your brain. Not least when you feel stressed and pressured.
As a young person, you need 8-10 hours of continuous sleep each night.
6. Say no (both to yourself and others)
Do you know that you get “yes” too much? You feel like it. And suddenly it all just feels completely unmanageable.
The solution is simple (but not necessarily easy):
Get used to stopping and noticing how you really feel inside: Is there any peace in your mind? Or can you feel it?
“achieve it all”.
Also read: 6+ Easy Steps to Change your Mindset
7. Laugh
It may sound silly, but it’s good enough: A good laugh helps you decrease your stress.
Researchers can simply measure that laughter lowers the number of stress hormones in your body.
And not only that. You get a shot of endorphins. Endorphins are also called the body’s happiness substance because they make you feel happy and comfortable.
Find the world’s funniest video on Youtube or hit on something else that can fire you up under the laughter muscles.
8. Solve your problems
Problems are like weeds. They tend to grow bigger and spread if you do not take care of them. And in the end, you may feel that they are taking all your energy.
Therefore, practice solving your own problems before they grow over your head and (seriously) begin to stress.
9. Get to know yourself better
The better you know your body’s signals, the easier you can catch stress in the process.
Stress manifests itself in many ways. Some find it difficult to fall asleep and concentrate. Others shut themselves in and become angry, irritable, or bored.
How do you react when you feel stressed? Think about it, so that you become more aware of your body’s alarm signals.
10. Talk to someone about how you feel
Stay alone with heavy emotions and thoughts can be super stressful. Therefore, practice sharing your problems with others. At first, it might feel difficult. But the more times you do it, the easier it gets.
Don’t you have the courage to talk to someone you know? So remember that there are great help offers online where you can be completely anonymous. You can e.g. chat with a volunteer.
Choose the option that suits you best to relieve your stress right now. The important thing is not exactly who you are talking to, but that you do not stay alone with your thoughts and problems.