220+ Alternatif Contoh Ucapan Hati Hati Bahasa Inggris

hati hati bahasa inggris

Sampai jumpa kembali para pembaca budiman. Kiranya dengan kunjungan di situs ini, pengetahuan bahasa asing anda bertambah, terutama seputar variasi kata hati hati bahasa inggris yang saya ulas kali ini.

Untuk mengutarakan ungkapan tersebut, kita kerap kerap mendengar istilah-istilah seperti “be careful” atau bahkan “take care”.

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Nah, jika kita pelajari lebih dalam, sebenarnya banyak sekali kata-kata yang dapat digunakan untuk memperingatkan seseorang agar berhati-hati.

Hati Hati dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ada beberapa ragam kata yang menunjukkan kehati-hatian, diantaranya adalah care, watch, look, dan lain-lain.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, simak uraian di bawah.

Menggunakan kata care

  1. care
  2. take care
  3. be very careful
  4. be too careful
  5. take good care
  6. be really careful
  7. take care of yourself
  8. gotta be careful
  9. tread carefully
  10. careful
  11. be more careful
  12. be a little more careful
  13. take great care
  14. have to be careful
  15. take more care
  16. be real careful
  17. be extremely careful
  18. you have to be careful
  19. you need to be careful
  20. we must be careful
  21. take better care
  22. pay careful attention
  23. be so careful
  24. must be careful
  25. you take care
  26. we have to be careful
  27. better care
  28. little bit more careful
  29. little more carefully
  30. be most careful
  31. taking care of yourself
  32. more carefully
  33. more careful
  34. being careful
  35. be taking care
  36. great care
  37. take good care of yourself
  38. take care of ourselves
  39. just be careful
  40. go careful
  41. tread very carefully
  42. go carefully
  43. being more careful
  44. careful that we do not
  45. have been more careful
  46. care of us
  47. you to be careful
  48. take extra care
  49. more care
  50. care should be taken
  51. be a little careful
  52. be a bit more careful
  53. take care of himself
  54. care of yourself
  55. greater care
  56. little careful
  57. extra careful
  58. take care of each other
  59. do be careful
  60. be well taken care
  61. take care of us
  62. taking care of us
  63. taking care
  64. be extra careful
  65. be carefull
  66. little more careful
  67. care must
  68. proceed carefully

Pelajari juga:

Menggunakan kata watch

  1. watch
  2. watch yourself
  3. Watch out
  4. be watching
  5. better watch your ass
  6. you watch out
  7. would you watch
  8. just watch out
  9. watching
  10. watch over us
  11. watch your back
  12. watch ourselves
  13. watch your step
  14. better watch your back
  15. you better watch yourself
  16. better watch it
  17. watch it
  18. you better watch it
  19. must watch out

Menggunakan kata look

  1. look
  2. look out
  3. be looking out
  4. look after each other
  5. look after yourselves
  6. look after himself
  7. look out for yourself
  8. look after us
  9. look after yourself
  10. looking after us
  11. look out for us

menggunakan kata cautious

  1. cautious
  2. caution
  3. cautiousness
  4. be cautious
  5. exercise caution
  6. use caution
  7. tread cautiously
  8. proceed cautiously
  9. with caution
  10. proceed with caution
  11. cautious approach
  12. be very cautious
  13. caution should be exercised
  14. caution against
  15. be extremely cautious
  16. exercise extreme caution
  17. remain cautious
  18. err on the side of caution
  19. urge caution
  20. cautioning
  21. more cautious
  22. caution is required
  23. take a cautious approach

Menggunakan kata eye

  1. keep your eyes out
  2. you keep an eye
  3. keep your eyes peeled
  4. just keep an eye out
  5. keep your eyes open
  6. keep an eye
  7. keep an eye out
  8. keep your eye out
  9. keep my eyes peeled

Menggunakan kata attention

  1. pay attention
  2. pay close attention
  3. paying attention
  4. be attentive
  5. give our attention
  6. you to pay attention
  7. close attention
  8. direct your attention
  9. attention is required
  10. pay more attention
  11. give attention
  12. pay very close attention

Menggunakan kata alert, beware, safe, heed, listen, mind, dan lain-lain

  1. be alert
  2. remain alert
  3. stay alert
  4. beware
  5. be safe
  6. take heed
  7. be on guard
  8. make sure
  9. mind
  10. be prudent
  11. be exercised
  12. be gentle
  13. exercise prudence
  14. be on our guard
  15. focus
  16. be mindful
  17. keep a lookout
  18. be vigilant
  19. heed
  20. be aware
  21. play it safe
  22. listen
  23. address
  24. babysitting
  25. be very prudent
  26. hold
  27. notice
  28. go easy
  29. take precautions
  30. you must think
  31. look askance
  32. beware of
  33. babysit
  34. stay safe
  35. keep our eyes open
  36. step
  37. for prudence
  38. should be careful
  39. be on your guard
  40. consider
  41. look out for each other
  42. be on his guard
  43. wariness
  44. be on the lookout
  45. prudent
  46. vigilance
  47. be paid
  48. given
  49. paid
  50. taken
  51. check
  52. listen up
  53. be observant
  54. be circumspect
  55. you make sure
  56. care for us
  57. provide for us
  58. you look out
  59. it prudent
  60. take good
  61. be very wary
  62. be weary
  63. pay any attention
  64. be on your toes
  65. be given
  66. beware that
  67. being prudent
  68. mind yourself
  69. be on my guard
  70. be on their guard
  71. be leery
  72. well-taken
  73. think twice
  74. have a care
  75. attend
  76. keep
  77. observe
  78. avoid
  79. better safe than sorry
  80. act prudently
  81. act with prudence
  82. tread lightly
  83. keep our heads
  84. be taken
  85. be aware of
  86. worry
  87. remain vigilant
  88. distrusting
  89. be suspicious
  90. distrust
  91. watch out for the
  92. gently
  93. guard down
  94. focusing
  95. take it easier
  96. take things slow

Demikian alternatif ucapan hati hati dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga variasi ungkapan di atas dapat membantu Anda. Thanks

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